Open the Bottle - Glenmorangie Lasanta 12 with my mom

Open the Bottle - Glenmorangie Lasanta 12 with my mom. My mom watches all of my whiskey videos which makes me smile. We live far apart these days so it's heartwarming to know she's watching me sip on and ramble on about whisky. She's not unfamiliar with whisky having drunk some blended Scotch whisky over the years but this is her first foray into single malts nearer to the top shelf. So, I thought it would be fun to open up a bottle - or two bottles over a video connection - together. We had a remote shopping trip the day before to a liquor store near her to secure her bottle and then, without much forethought of the actual connectivity aspect of things, we both opened up the Glenmorangie Lasanta 12 yr and had a sip or three. As I had hoped she liked it. We had fun and the time together, even digitally, was very much appreciated. Thanks for hanging out with me, mom!